If you are migrating from an old site to a new site, it is strongly recommended that you eliminate hard-coded references to certain text in URLs prior to go-live:
- References to “www.example.org” and “beta.example.org” are likely to break with the URL changes that occur when the new site goes live.
- References to “#overlay-context=…” are less likely to cause problems, but should still be eliminated for the sake of keeping unnecessary site-building information out of URLs.
Fixing problem link and image references
- Make sure all the referenced pages/documents/images are stored as part of your Drupal site.
- Create missing pages on the new site.
- Upload images and documents referenced by your site with Drupal's file browser.
- Change links to relative URLs for the pages you created and/or documents you uploaded.
- If you see "#overlay-context=..." in a link, delete the portion of the URL starting with "#."
- Change image URLs to use images saved in Drupal's file browser and shorten the URLs.
Where would problem link and image references potentially come from?
- “www.example.org”: copying and pasting link and image references embedded in page content without also migrating the referenced pages/documents/images.
- “beta.example.org”: copying and pasting full page URLs from the address bar while a site is being migrated. Drupal's file browser also inserts a reference to the main site URL in references to images and documents, so images and documents added while "beta.example.org" is the main site URL will also contain this reference unless they are shortened.
- “#overlay-context=…” copying and pasting full link and image references from the address bar while you are logged in to Drupal and using the administrative overlay.